A video about our training program:
(These two pups are now in their forever homes.)
More About Our Trained Goldendoodle Puppies!
Every puppy that we train here at NY Dandy Doodles lives in our home with us, participates in our daily activities, and is given plenty of love, playtime, and positive interaction. (See video above.)
What is so special about our training program? Your puppy will get a head start on the next level of basics for home-living on top of what has already been begun in Early Training, minus the added stress of a completely new environment. We work with your puppy right here in their first home at a time when he or she would not even be accepted into an in-person training class, let alone a traditional board-n-train due to their age/vaccine status.
To begin with, when your puppy comes home he or she will no longer have their buddies to eat side by side with, nap with, tussle with, explore with, romp with, or sleep through the night cuddled in a heap with. You might be surprised how much of an adjustment it is for a puppy to learn to be independent of their siblings (by the time our puppies are around 7 weeks old, their mom has already taught them to be self-sufficient of her by distancing herself and ignoring them almost completely), and on top of that to enter a foreign household and learn that it is home. If we currently have younger puppies, then your puppy in training may participate in daily group activities such as outdoor playtime alongside them, but otherwise he or she will be learning how to be independent and rely on him/herself, a super important skill for becoming a confident and easy to live with adult dog.
By delaying the go-home step, we are able to minimize the added stress of a new environment, speed up the single puppy adjustment period, and then jump-start the training process. Just like all humans and animals, young puppies learn best with low stress. This way, when you do bring home your new puppy, he/she will already be familiar with being an “only”, how to function in a home, and have some basic commands already in place.
Our trained puppies will be older than 8 weeks of age and complete “puppy kindergarten”, including but not limited to: sleeping through the entire night accident free in his/her own crate, leash acclimation, learning to eat from their own food dish separate from littermates, outdoor potty training on and off leash, learning puppy recall off-leash indoors and out, stair practice, “sit” for attention, quiet chew/nap time in his/her own crate, playtime with our adult dogs (and other puppies, depending), kids, and cats, car rides, and one-on-one interaction with people both for play and training sessions.
Due to the fact that every single puppy is different, we work with each puppy in training according to their age, size, temperament, and individual abilities. We will have goals in mind, but depending on both the puppy and the timeframe allowed, individual results may vary. (For example, a puppy in training for one week may come home adjusted to a crate, being without littermates, and doing activities such as eating/sleeping alone, but may have less understanding of potty training and basic commands than a puppy that has been in training for several weeks.) Our training program is an excellent opportunity to give your puppy the groundwork for how to live in a home and participate in daily life that goes beyond the “puppy pre-K” each of our puppies have already been through.
Expect an adjustment period when you bring your puppy home. Remember that our house is different from yours, our door and steps and grass are not the same, and the people, animals, and smells might all be unfamiliar. Your puppy may relapse and not seem to be housebroken for a bit when they come home after training, but they will be used to using the outdoors and “holding it” indoors when they need to do their business. He or she should adjust quickly and advance even further in a short amount of time once they have settled in. We will send a blanket that smells like their first home that we encourage putting in their new crate for naps and bedtimes to help ease the transition. We will also provide a detailed schedule to help you keep things as smooth as possible and on track to continue your puppy’s progress. We recommend keeping the schedule for at least a week before implementing changes and adjusting to your lifestyle both to help you understand your puppy’s needs and to insure that your puppy adjusts well and easily.
Watch our day-in-the-life video above to get a feel for how we structure the daily schedule for a puppy in training. (Please note that both Onyx and Zircon in the video are no longer available.)
During Training We Provide Your Puppy With:
- Puppy crate(s), playpen, gates, etc. for naps/bedtime and proper containment safety
- Puppy Food throughout the puppy’s stay, along with food/water dishes
- Deworming/Flea+Tick/etc., as needed
- Necessary Grooming as needed: brushing, bathing, nail trims, puppy clip (paw pads, face, sanitary trim)
- Toys
- Bedding
- Leash/Collar
At Pickup We Provide You With:
- A leash and collar sized just right
- A few day’s worth of puppy food
- A small sleep blankie that smells like your puppy’s first home
- A detailed daily schedule based off of their routine here to help smooth the transition from our home to yours
- A folder of paperwork including your puppy’s Certificate of Health from our vet and our written 2 Year Health Guarantee
- Learn what else is included at pickup here
By the time they are old enough to go home (at 8 weeks of age, minimum) puppies begin craving individual attention. They are mentally ready for more stimulating activities, and their ability to learn and remember new things is at its peak. For this reason, if a puppy has not found his forever family by this time, we being training him in our home for his overall health and well-being. This allows him to thrive when he does go home, as he can jump right into the swing of things being already accustomed to living in a home and the rules that apply. Our training price is then added to the original price of the puppy. Learn more about our training program and what it involves, above.
All available puppies in training are older than 8 weeks of age and are ready to go home as soon as possible. We have had families contact us, meet with, and bring home an available puppy in training within a day’s time!
We will let you know the particular areas the puppy has progressed in so that you are aware of what he has mastered or is still working on. This helps you to know how to best move forward when you bring him home.
You will continue working with and training your dog throughout its life; this is an ongoing process and there is no set timeframe of completion.
Our goal, just like with our younger puppies, is to give them the best start possible to ensure that they live a healthy and happy life!
[Mac] is such a good boy. [He is] doing very well with training and listening. Loves to play and fun as all get out. Thanks again!
Our new baby [heart emoji] He is the SWEETEST boy and his training is absolutely nothing but AMAZING!! Unbelievable. He followed all your cues straight away at home, played and gave every one of us all the snuggles.
Your “puppy party” is such a wonderful way to meet and see if there is a connection between you and a new fur baby. So happy we were able to attend the last one where we fell in love with Avalon now Trixie! So blessed to have her in our family, she is a very special girl!
[NYDD: Thank you! It was wonderful to meet you and your family! I’ll never forget the instant connection that you and Trixie had when you met each other!]
Our hearts are so full! Thank you for the amazing way you raised and trained Trixie! She tells me when she has to potty, sleeps through the night (better than me, lol) comes when I call her, and is good hanging in her pen when needed. She is so sweet and loving!
It was amazing when we brought Trixie home, she slept through the night and easily settled in for her naps while listening to Classical music. Love this tip from you! The way your family prepares the puppies really helps with them transitioning into their Forever homes. This was super important for us with our special needs son. It’s so nice to have somewhat of a schedule so our daily lives is less chaotic. I can’t rave enough about NY Dandy Doodles! Everyone who meets Trixie falls in love with her immediately and can’t believe by the way she behaves that she is only 16 weeks old!
She’s doing great, Amy!! Violet has slept through the night in her crate for the past 2 nights. I just pooped her out over on my mom’s property running and chasing leaves . . . now I can prep dinner while she naps!
[The extra training was the] Best thing we ever did! Violet came home eating on a schedule alone, sleeping all night in her crate, walks nice on the leash (unless she has the puppy zoomies). She is very proud listening to her “sit” command, and it stops her in the middle of her zoomies!! Love our girl!! We are so thankful to Amy her very special family!
(Update: 13 weeks old)
Violet loves belly rubs too! She’s so smart and a super easy puppy! Violet sits, gives paw, does down, and we are close to roll over, and almost forgot, great on the leash!! Thanks so much for her . . . best loving breeder ever.
Birch stared at you guys as we pulled out and whined right away. If that isn’t a sign that she loved you and was treated great then I don’t know what is. Thank you for taking care of her so well.
Birch is absolutely amazing. No accidents, she pees outside right away and poops within a couple minutes if she needs to go, she walks great on a leash, she even sits when I go to put her collar and leash on. She is a great addition to the family and enjoys hanging out with me while I work.